Attainable Housing in Chester County

Written by The Home Team

Our region prospers only when we all prosper when there are enough good, safe homes people can afford. We need advocates to speak out for and support the changes to make this happen. The lack of affordable housing impacts all of us, not just the struggling households. 40% of our workforce is in the retail, accommodation, education, health, and food service industries. The median income for workers in these essential industries is $61,000 or less. Recent college graduates and other young professionals also have trouble finding housing they can afford. Our long-term economic success depends on the availability of safe, attainable housing for our workforce. Employers need workers close by, especially in jobs like health care and emergency services. By creating ‘middle housing’ such as house-scale buildings with multiple units compatible in scale and form with single-family units, we will bridge the gap for struggling families.

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